Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Ernst and Ethel Eriksen
1893 Ernst Eriksen born in Norway
1897 Ethel Eriksen born in UK
1914 Ernst joins 2nd SA Horse Regiment
1919 Ernst and Ethel are married
1935 Eriksen Motors established
1946 Eriksen Motors listed
1967 Ernst Eriksen passes away at age 74
1981 Ernst and Ether Eriksen fund established
1981 Ethel Eriksen passes away at age 84

A Background to the Ernst & Ethel Eriksen Trust Minimize

Ernst Eriksen was born in Norway on 6 April 1893. The youngest son of a Lutheran Missionary he grew up in Quambonambi in Natal. After completing his schooling, he entered the sugar business with his eldest brother. They called their company Eriksen Brothers - a name well known today in sugar circles.

When the first World War broke out, Ernst joined the Second South African Horse Regiment. He was amongst a contingent sent over to Britain. It was here that he met Ethel, his future wife.

They were married in 1919 and settled in Natal. During this time their son Ernst Ronald and daughter Joyce Turner were born.

Ernst was fascinated by motor cars and moved his family to Johannesburg to become managing director of a motor firm. He established Eriksen Motors in 1935, and listed on the Stock Exchange in 1946. Eriksen Motors flourished and established many branches all over South Africa. The company was sold to the Barlows Group in 1984.

The Eriksens were a public-spirited family who played an active part in community affairs. Ernst was a congenial, outgoing man who loved to entertain. Ethel became an accomplised gardener and raised money for many worthwhile causes through the sale of her flowers.

Ethel Eriksen survived her husband by 14 years and passed away at the age of 84 in 1981.

Prior to her death she donated a sum of money for a Post Graduate Study Grant to be known as the Ernst & Ethel Eriksen Trust.

The trust has for more than twenty years, enabled scholars from all walks if life to fulfill their dreams, and in so doing, to benefit South Africa. It is a fitting memorial to a truly remarkable couple. 

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